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Wine Shelf Life – Lab Test shows that Winelife Extends Wine Shelf Life
Winelife is a premier wine preserver used in homes, restaurants and
tasting rooms. Documented lab tests verify that Winelife preserves open
bottles of wine for at least ten days. We’ll let the report speak for
“No analytically significant differences were observed between baseline
values and those of wines treated by the product [Winelife] and held for ten
See the full report,
Laboratory Report #22999, Evaluation of Aerosol Product
[Winelife] for Wine Preservation. Testing was done by
ETS Laboratories, a Napa, California enological
testing laboratory.
What is the Shelf Life of Wine?
Or how long will a bottle of wine last after it is opened? When does
oxidation begin and when does it reach the point of being undrinkable.
This is a great way to start a discussion about wine! Ask different people,
including wine enthusiasts, sommeliers, wine makers and occasional wine
drinkers, and you will get many different opinions. Most people will say
that white wine spoils faster than red wine. Most would also agree that wine
will degrade when exposed to oxygen. Most would recommend that white wines
be refrigerated after opening. Beyond that, this is little that people agree
on about the shelf life of wine.

When a wine bottle is opened, air enters the void space in the bottle. The
oxygen in the air interacts with the wine and causes oxidation, a chemical
reaction that will eventually spoil the wine.
Winelife works by preventing the oxygen from interacting with the wine.
Winelife contains a proprietary blend of food grade inert gases that keeps
the oxygen away from the wine. After Winelife is applied, this gas settles
to form a protective layer on the surface of the wine, keeping the wine
separated from the harmful oxygen.
Details of the Lab Test proving that Winelife Extends Wine Shelf Life
Protocol (paraphrased from report)
Two commercial wines, one white and one red, were analyzed to determine the
base levels of acetaldehyde, color, and dissolved oxygen. These three
parameters are indicators of oxidative spoilage. Multiple 750 ml bottles of
each wine were opened, decanted off to a volume of 375 ml (a half bottle),
treated with the product Winelife by spraying the gas from the nozzle into
the bottle necks for two seconds each, and re-corked. One bottle of each
wine was decanted and re-corked without treatment as a control. Treated
wines were held at ambient laboratory temperature of 22 degrees C (about 72
degrees F) and analyzed again for the parameters listed above at 3 and 10
Results (quoted from report)
“No analytically significant differences were observed between baseline
values and those of wines treated by the product [Winelife] and held for ten
days. Control wines, (those left untreated), had slightly elevated levels of
acetaldehyde, color changes, and increased levels of dissolved oxygen.”
Conclusion (quoted from report, bold added)
“Treatment with product [Winelife] as submitted by replacement of bottled
wine headspace with inert gas was found to be effective in reduction of
oxidative spoilage over the period as tested.”
What about other products that claim to preserve wine from oxidation?
Winelife encourages wine drinkers who want to increase the shelf life of
their open bottles of wine to determine what product they are looking for
and educate themselves on the effectiveness of that product.
To help you with your selection, we’ve compiled a chart
comparing Winelife
against other wine preservers - wine vacuum
pump devices such as Vacu-Vin and more elaborate wine preservation systems
such as Winekeeper®. We also offer for your examination the laboratory tests
of a popular wine pump device, which concluded, “found to have no measurable
effect in reduction of oxidative spoilage.” See the full report,
Report #26292, Evaluation of “Vacu-Vin” Device for Wine Preservation.
In short, we believe that you will discover that Winelife is the most
effective and economical product to use to keep your wine from oxidation and
spoilage, and extend the shelf life of your unfinished bottle of wine!
Benefits of Using Winelife
Use a wine preserver that is proven effective!
- Your investment in an open bottle of premium wine can be protected for
weeks, with the last pouring as fresh as the first.
- Winelife can be used to preserve all fine quality spirits, including red,
white, port and sherry.
- Each can of Winelife contains about 120 applications.
- No need for expensive gadgets, cabinets, dispensers, nozzles, tanks, and
Will Winelife wine preserver affect the taste of wine?
No, Winelife is completely inert, odorless and tasteless. Because Winelife
is heavier than air, it forms a protective layer or gas blanket on the top
surface of the remaining wine, preventing oxidation. The wine stays fresh
until the next pouring.
Buy Winelife now!
Use Winelife to extend your wine’s shelf life. You can buy Winelife right now using our secure online
ordering system.